Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week #2 Guguletu Day 1 Sunday May 29

We have left Riverview for Guguletu. First thing is church! I do not know what to expect; the only services I have been to are Lutheran and Catholic and of course Quaker. We arrive and put our bags in an office for safety. We sit in on a meeting between one of the managers of JL Zwane Center and a group of the congregation. JL Zwane is the First Presbyterian Church of Guguletu. It is also a community center with after school programs and a lunch program. It is an amazing place. After a 2-hour service of gospel singing and a great sermon, we had a boxed lunch. During lunch the Youth program approached us and wanted to chat with us, so we asked them questions and they asked us questions about America. We got to know them pretty well and over the week became good friends. Sharon, Heather, Amanda, Andisa, and a few others we will be interacting with over the week.

Our host families were at a wedding or a funeral today so we went to Titi and Mamela’s house. Titi is the mother of Mamela, a 26 yr old woman, and Mamela was making dinner for us. She is very sweet, quiet soft-spoken but open to our questions. Titi got home later after the wedding and gave us a great big hug! It was the warmest welcome I have ever had. Aaron and Suzie and I had a nice chat after dinner with a sponge cake with vanilla custard over it, yummy! Then following dessert roobis tea, which is very delicious with some South Africa Soap Operas. I felt so welcome and at home that night. I was tired and ready for bed, so Suzie and I went to bed at 9:30, the earliest since we got here. So I got a good night’s sleep and it was longer than 6 hours. I am in a good place and ready for this week in Guguletu.

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