Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tomorrow is the big day (plane ride anyway)

So I think I am all packed, think being the key word. Sleeping tonight might go well or it could go badly. My mom is not as worried as I think she should be, which makes me worry. My dad says she is more worried than she lets on. Three days ago, I had been thinking about the fifteen people I will be spending every waking hour with in the next 3 weeks. My general impression was good. I tend to get worried with groups of 10 or more. My last summer job for the last three summers has been a lifeguard in small town. Drama tends to ensue and it is so hard to deal with that. I was always in the middle.

But after our Applebee's apps date, I threw that theory out the window. I am super excited about the group of students I will be spending my time with. I have no worries and we are all here to learn and share our love of leadership with another country. We all (6 of us) Shane, Riise, Suzie, Elisa, Katherine, Simone our packing woes, host gift search ideas, and overall quality bonding over delicious appetizers at 1/2 off price! It was a fun night. It made me even more excited.

I do not want these 3 weeks to go by fast, so powers that be, (ptb as I like to call them) let me enjoy them and my expectations are no longer. I have opened my mind to anything and everything that could happen. I am going to be patient on the 22+ hour plane ride, it will be long, but fun, tiring, but engaging of my new classmates. I am on my way to South Africa!

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