Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Reflections on 2012: New Year's Resolutions-2013

Hello friends and family-

I am now a graduate of the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities! I have a Bachelor of Science in Applied Economics with two minors. The Leadership Minor and a Communication Studies minor. It has been the best four and half years of my life and I can't wait for the rest of my life to begin!

Graduating from college has been such a gift and I have all my family and friends to thank! I couldn't have done it without the unlimited encouragement even when finals were kicking my butt or I had a week full of projects, work, while trying to get enough sleep. I began thinking my high school experience and how it was actually preparing me for how awesome college would be. I knew I would be challenged, I knew I would have access to many more opportunities. The first day I walked on the U of M campus, I wanted to start fresh and not worry about my past. I was going to be true to myself and not care what people thought of me. All of these people had never met me and did not have the right to judge. I loved the cities the minute I walked into my first class of 300 people. No more small town gossip and drama, not being part of only one friend group. I could be friends with whoever I wanted.

Four and half years later, I have been to South Africa and back, volunteered four years at four different places, and maintained college professor networking relationships. In the personal growth department, I have become a person I can love and be proud of. I am very happy with where I am, who I am and who I surround myself with. The Leadership Minor's final lessons will always stick with me and I plan to use them this year and for the rest of my life. Thank you 2012 for many lessons and great memories, but 2013 I am ready for you!

Leadership Capstone Concepts:

1 The only thing you have absolute control over is your intention
2 You dont know what you dont know
3 Its all good and its all bad. Its gray
4 Have daily courageous conversations

2013 New Year's Resolution's:    *short term-find a job, get a car by my birthday*

  1. Volunteer once a week at Open Arms of Minnesota
  2. Get back in touch with my Quaker Spiritual roots by going to Quaker Meeting as often as I can
  3. Blog once a week on my food blog
  4. Be more artsy-living space, cooking habits, personal appearance, and crafts. 
  5. Be more active!
  6. Use more Living Social coupons: go to more plays and concerts in the Cities! 
  7. Spend more time with all of my wonderful friends, near and far in any way possible.
  8. Stay in touch with my cousins and extended family on a regular basis.

Let me know if you want to help with my resolutions :) 

Happy New Year! Peace and Happiness to being alive....

1 comment:

  1. It's been wonderful seeing you transform from a shy, timid small town girl to the amazing woman of so much confidence that you are today. I'm so proud of all that you have accomplished and I'm sure there will be many amazing things to come, this is just the beginning! I will cherish all the memories we have created throughout college and I look forward to many more! Love you!
